Restoration of the Early Christian Church

40 Day Presentations

San Antonio - Buena Vista

Jahdai Coronado Receives 40-Day Presentation

SAN ANTONIO | Brother Jahaziel Coronado and Sister Zury Coronado carry their infant, Jahdai Coronado, to the altar after our Sunday school sermon. Minister D. L. Rey Villarreal raises the newborn in prayer and asks for the Lord’s blessing with the authority bestowed upon him by the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naason Joaquin Garcia. May…
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Jeremiah Gomez Elevated in Prayer

SAN ANTONIO | GOD’s blessing was bountiful with the Gomez family following our afternoon praise service. Parents, Brother Eugene Gomez and Sister Mara Gomez, came to the altar to ask for a prayer for their newborn. Minister D. L. Rey Villarreal presented baby Jeremiah to the LORD. May the CREATOR continue to bless the Gomez…
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Seraias Morales Lifted in Prayer

SAN ANTONIO – Parents, Brother Zabdiel Morales and Sister Daisy Morales, carry their newborn to the altar to be presented. Minister D. L. Rey Villarreal presents Seraias J. Morales to the Lord with the authority bestowed to him by the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naason Joaquin Flores. May God bless the Morales family! #LLDM #TLOTW…
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Two Babies Receive the LORD’s Blessing

SAN ANTONIO | Brother Jose Castillo and Sister Gisela Castillo accompany their son, Angel Castillo, to the altar following our Sunday school. Newborn brother, Ezequiel Fuentes, is presented to God after the Sunday school sermon. He is brought to the altar by his parents, Brother Julio Fuentes and Sister Maria Fuentes. May our Savior JESUS…
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Malaquias Montejano Presented for Blessing

SAN ANTONIO | Brother Maasias Montejano and Sister Zemira Montejano carried their newborn baby boy, Malaquias Montejano, to the altar. After a series of questions, Minister D. E. Louis Cruz lifted the child in prayer for the LORD’s blessing. May GOD continue to prosper the Montejano family!

Three Newborn Sisters Presented to GOD

SAN ANTONIO | After our morning sermon, Minister Louis Cruz presents our newborn sister, Zahari Flores, before the LORD’s service accompanied by her mother, Sister Martha Flores, and the rest of the members of the church. In the second presentation, Minister Louis Cruz also lifts our baby sister, Hannah Vallin, to the Creator in prayer…
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Newborn Jazeel Trujillo Lifted in Prayer to the Lord

SAN ANTONIO – Following our Sunday morning sermon, Minister Evangelist Deacon Louis Cruz presents our baby sister, Jazeel Trujillo, to the Lord’s service in presence of her mother, Sister Meida Trujillo, and the rest of the church congregation. May the Lord bless the Trujillo family! [facebook]

Newborn Silas Hernandez Presented to the Creator

SAN ANTONIO – Following our Sunday school sermon, parents, Brother Andres Hernandez and Sister Suah Garcia, bring their son, Silas Hernandez, to the altar. Minister Evangelist Deacon Louis Cruz, with the newborn in hands, prays for the baby with the authority given to him by the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naason Joaquin Garcia. May the…
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